Why Breast Implant Revision?

There are a number of reasons why a breast implant revision may offer a more natural appearance and serve the best interests of your health and lifestyle.

In some cases, breast implant surgery can result in breast asymmetry if the implants do not heal in alignment. Some patients may also experience side effects of breast implants, such as capsular contracture, which can cause discomfort and misshapen breasts. Revision can also address “rippling”, where the breast implant material creates a visible distortion of skin tissue on the surface. Most commonly, however, breast implant surgery has no side effects at all, and the patient is perfectly happy with the results.

Concerns may arise naturally over time due to weight loss or weight gain, pregnancy and aging as the breast tissue elasticity is affected, which can cause stretching, sagging and repositioning. Other reasons for breast implant revision may include too much spacing in between the breasts, a desire for a smaller or larger size, or a desire for a different breast implant material. Whether as a personal preference or in treatment of breast implant side effects. At Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Boca Raton breast implant revision is designed to bring you total comfort and peace of mind.

Breast Implant Revision Boca Raton

Which Conditions Can be Treated with Breast Implant Revisions?

A breast implant revision is designed to correct negative side effects of breast implant surgery, as well as any cosmetic concerns that may have motivated the original procedure or arisen in the meantime. It also helps address natural processes that occur over time as a result of skin tissue elasticity changes. Breast implant revision can address conditions such as:

  • Breast implant asymmetry
  • Implant malposition
  • Capsular contracture
  • Rippling
  • Wide spacing between breasts
  • Breast implant rupture
  • Breast implant leakage
  • Sagging
  • Drooping
  • Breast implants too large
  • Breast implants too small
Wave Swoosh

What are the Benefits of Breast Implant Revision?

Implant revision is an opportunity to address breast implant concerns and surgery side effects, misaligned healing, implant damage or other issues, whether as a result of surgery or due to natural processes over time. Benefits include:

  • New breast implants
  • Breast symmetry correction
  • Implant size reduction
  • Implant size increase
  • Breast implant repositioning
  • Reduced sagging or drooping
  • Improved breast implant shape
  • More natural breast implant appearance
  • Change of breast implant material type (switching from saline to silicone, for example)

Do I Need a Breast Implant Revision?

Whether a breast implant revision is ideal for your needs may depend on the following factors:

  • Do you feel differently about your breast implants since your initial results?
  • Are you unsatisfied with your breast implant shape, size, feel or appearance?
  • Have your breasts’ shape, size, feel or appearance changed since surgery?
  • Have you gained weight, lost weight or gone through pregnancy since receiving breast implants?
  • Are you experiencing breast implant side effects, such as asymmetry, malpositioning, misshapen breasts, capsular contracture, rippling, leakage, rupturing, spacing or other?
  • Has it been a long time since your last breast implant surgery?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, a breast revision surgery may be right for you. A consultation with Dr. Michael Horn will help you decide if breast implant revision is best suited to your needs and which methods, products and procedures can help you achieve your goals.

Boca Raton Breast Implant Revision model

How Often Should Breast Implants be Replaced?

Most surgeons recommend changing your breast implants about every 10 years. This is only a guideline, and some implants may have no issues whatsoever even beyond this time period.

Patients may also experience issues prior to the 10 year mark and wish to replace their implants by having revision surgery. It is important to know that breast implants are not designed for lifetime use, and their replacement may eventually become a necessity with the increased risk of side effects over time. The Food and Drug Administration also recommends an MRI scan of silicone implants for detection of abnormalities and silent rupture 3 years after surgery followed by every 2 years.

What Should I Expect During My Consultation Visit?

During your consultation visit at the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, we will determine if breast implant revision is right for you and outline any changes or improvements that you can expect as a result. Dr. Horn will go over your medical history and examine your breasts, he will identify any side effects of your previous surgery or the need for implant replacement, skin tissue modifications or room for improvement.

It is important to come prepared with any questions, references (pictures of before & after with your ideal outcome) and be completely candid about your desires and in all of your answers to ensure your safety and achieve best results. Your consultation visit will involve an evaluation of:

  • Your medical history and past surgeries, including any previous breast implant surgeries
  • Any allergies, conditions and past or current medications
  • Any herbal or mineral supplements you are currently taking
  • Your lifestyle and any tobacco, alcohol or drug use
  • Your health and pre-existing conditions
  • Preparatory steps for revision surgery
  • Potential risks or side effects
  • Your desire for cosmetic, health or quality of life improvements
  • Your goals, all available options, and best expectations
  • Your breasts and current implants to identify any concerns, implant side effects, skin elasticity issues, or other needs for revision, with included measurements and photographs
Wave Swoosh

How Do I Prepare for Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

You will discuss in detail how you can best prepare for your breast implant revision surgery during your consultation and pre-operative visits. To be fully prepared, you may be asked to:

  • Get a mammogram, ultrasound or MRI of your breasts
  • Receive a medical evaluation involving lab tests
  • Make changes to your medication regimen
  • Stop smoking (smoking can reduce blood flow during surgery and recovery, which can disrupt the healing process)
  • Take certain medications
  • Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications and herbal supplements (these can affect your blood flow and result in increased bleeding and disrupted healing)
  • Make arrangements for post-operative assistance and recovery
Boca Raton Breast Implant Revision model

Are There Any Risks to Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

All surgeries carry a small degree of risk to the patient, and any potential risks or complications must be weighed against the benefits of breast implant revision and the results you wish to achieve. It is important to be open and ask Dr. Horn any questions you may have about surgery complications before making your decision. Prior to the procedure, our Boca Raton breast implant revision patients will be required to sign a consent form stating that they fully understand the implications of breast implant revision surgery and any risks or complications involved, which will be fully explained and may include:

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Bleeding
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Infection
  • Hematoma
  • Sensation of tightness
  • Improper healing
  • Scarring
  • Affected skin elasticity
  • Skin discoloration
  • Seroma (fluid accumulation)
  • Need for follow-up surgery
  • Allergic reaction to surgical materials
  • Temporary or permanent change of sensation or numbness

How Does Breast Implant Revision Surgery Work?

Breast implant revision surgery is very similar to breast implant surgery and involves the replacement of your old implants with new implants, along with any skin tissue corrections or other modifications, as outlined by your treatment plan. The steps of breast implant revision surgery are as follows:

1. Sedation or General Anesthesia

General anesthesia will be administered to ensure your safety and comfort. You and Dr. Horn will determine the best and safest option based on a review of your medical history.

2. Surgical Incisions

A series of incisions will be made in accordance with your pre-determined surgical plan. This may involve the following incision types:

  • Inframammary incision: an incision along the inframammary fold (the crease under the breast)
  • Breast lift incision: an incision made vertically from the areola to the breast crease or in a Wise pattern
  • Periareolar incision: an incision made partially or in a circumference pattern along the areola

3. Implant Replacement and Tissue Modifications

Your existing breast implants will be replaced with brand new implants based on the selected material type, shape and size and in accordance with your treatment plan. Dr. Horn will make any pre-determined tissue corrections or modifications to eliminate or reduce existing side effects and improve the shape, appearance and quality of your new breast implants.

4. Sealing the Incisions

Dr. Horn will then close the incisions using stitches, surgical tape or adhesives designed to aid skin tissue healing, minimize scarring and optimize results.

Wave Swoosh

What Should I Expect During Breast Implant Revision Recovery?

After breast implant revision surgery, the incision areas will be dressed and bandaged to protect affected tissue and expedite the healing process. In most cases, wearing a sports bra will be advised for a recommended period of time, typically several weeks. You can expect your breasts to be swollen, bruised and tender for several days and up to 2 weeks following surgery. Other post-surgery symptoms may include:

  • Pain or soreness
  • A numbing sensation at or around incision sites

Additional Reading

You will receive specific instructions during pre and post-operative visits on how to achieve a full recovery, which may include:

  • Post-operative care of surgery sites and areas
  • How to apply topical medication
  • When Dr. Horn will remove bandages and dressings
  • How to bathe without disturbing surgery sites
  • Post-operative medication for pain management, recovery and to prevent infection
  • Recommendations on general health and lifestyle adjustments for optimal healing and results
  • Post-operative garment instructions (wearing a sports bra for up to 6 weeks)
  • Instructions on optimum sleeping positions (you will be advised to sleep on your back for several days following surgery)
  • How to massage surgery sites (after removal of bandages) for purposes of minimizing scarring and promoting healthy tissue coloration

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled with Dr Horn 1-3 days after surgery, during which time he will remove your bandages and make an examination of the results. You may be advised to:

  • Avoid strenuous physical activity for up to 6 weeks
  • Avoid driving for several days following surgery
  • Follow the medication regimen prescribed by Dr. Horn until advised
  • Consult with our office before taking any new medications or supplements
  • Follow all techniques and therapies to achieve an optimized healing process as advised by Dr. Horn
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects for a period of time (this includes luggage, children and pets)
  • Avoid tanning for up to 2 weeks following surgery
  • Avoid sleeping with pets in bed for up to 2 weeks following surgery (pet dander may cause risk of infection at incision sites)
  • Avoid sexual activity for 1-2 weeks following surgery
  • Make sure you have assistance with daily tasks, driving, traveling, etc., following surgery
  • Schedule a follow-up visit for approximately 6 weeks after surgery

When Will I See the Results of Breast Implant Revision?

Breast implant revision surgery initially produces swelling that may conceal the results of your surgery. While healing time depends on the surgery type and patient, it typically takes as long as 6 weeks until full recovery and final results can be achieved. This period of time may also extend to the return of normal sensation in the breasts, fading of scars, the implants taking their optimal shape, and the patient getting used to their feeling.

Model for Breast Implant Revision in Boca Raton

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

This surgery type is designed for patients with existing breast implants and the need or desire to replace their breast implants and make any modifications for improved shape, size, appearance and condition for either cosmetic purposes, health purposes, or both.

As experts on breast implant revision, we are here for a thorough evaluation on the condition of your breast implants and guidance on how this procedure may help you achieve the look and feel you desire. You may be the ideal candidate for breast implant revision if:

  • You are not satisfied with the size, shape, profile, position, or appearance of your breast implants
  • You would like to change the material of your implants for personal, health or cosmetic reasons
  • You are physically healthy and have a stable weight
  • You do not smoke
  • You have no medical issues
  • You have positive and realistic expectations of what implant revision can achieve
  • You are experiencing capsular contracture or other negative side effects of breast implants such as rupture, leakage or other


We couldn't be more excited to take part in your journey towards a happier, more beautiful you.

At the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, each and every patient that comes through our doors is a unique person with their own special desires for seeking improvement. And to us, each person is a unique opportunity to achieve an amazing cosmetic goal and change a life for the better. We're here to support you in your choice and provide all the knowledge you need to make a well-informed decision and fulfill your wishes. At the end of the day, all we're about is quality treatment and happy smiles.

Model for Breast Revision Boca Raton

Please feel free to contact the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa any time before or after a procedure with any questions and to receive the support you need in your journey towards a happier you. You can reach us by calling our office or via the booking link on this page.