What are the different types of cheek fillers?

Hyaluronic acid—contained in Juvederm and Restylane—is popular and effective. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a replica of a substance naturally produced by our skin. HA is responsible for delivering and maintaining moisture and nutrient levels in skin cells.

Polylactic acid—the active ingredient in Sculptra—also produces impressive results in your cheeks and the area under your eyes

Ask your doctor at Horn Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Boca Raton which type of cheek filler is right for you.

Boca Raton Cheek Fillers Feature Image

Are you a good candidate for Cheek Fillers?

You should be in overall good health and a non-smoker. Beyond that, FDA guidelines say you should avoid cheek fillers if you:

  • Have a bleeding disorder
  • Are allergic to the synthetic compounds used in the fillers
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

Risks and side effects

Cheek filler injections are a very safe procedure when administered by a trained and experienced medical professional using FDA-approved products. But never consider injecting yourself or letting an acquaintance inject you.

All dermal fillers carry a slight risk of allergic reaction or infection. Other less common side effects include:

  • Filler leakage
  • Tissue death caused by circulation blockage
  • Injury to veins or arteries

Some brief post-procedure swelling, bruising, and redness are common side effects.

Wave Swoosh

Cheek Fillers Costs

Costs will depend on the extent of your procedure, the type and amount of filler used and the experience of your doctor. Discuss costs with your doctor prior to treatment. Since cheek fillers are a cosmetic procedure, your health insurance will not pay for it.

Choosing the right doctor

Partnering with the right doctor is critically important in maximizing the safety and effectiveness of your cheek filler procedure. Insist on a board-certified plastic surgeon. Your doctor should be eager to show you “before and after” pictures of previous patients.

Preparing for your Cheek Filler injection

You’ll need to stop taking any blood-thinning medications and supplements for two weeks before your treatment. Avoid alcohol for two days prior to injection.

Your Cheek Filler Procedure

Your doctor will likely apply numbing cream to your skin prior to injection. You will feel some pressure, but there should not be any intense pain. The injection process lasts only about 20 minutes. You can drive after the procedure and just get on with your normal routine!

Cheek Fillers Recovery

There’s not much to it. Avoid strenuous activity and sleeping on your face for a couple of days. Other than that, you are ready to resume your normal activities after cheek fillers with minimal downtime.

Cheek Fillers Results

You’ll be able to see some of the results immediately. But it will take a day or two for the filler to settle into its position on your face. Results can last up to two years or longer.

Schedule your consultation for chin augmentation at the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

Cheek fillers are often remarkably effective in adding volume and contour to your cheekbones and facial appearance. Renowned Boca Raton plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Horn warmly invites you to schedule a consultation at the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Boca Raton, FL.