What is submental liposuction?

Submental liposuction involves applying local anesthetic, then removing fat deposits with machine-assisted suction. The procedure improves your neck contours for a more rejuvenated, slimmer neck. Patients who have more substantial fat, as well as excess skin, may also require a neck lift. To determine what procedure or combination of procedures is right for you, an in-person examination with our Boca Raton facial plastic surgeon is necessary.

Submental Liposuction Boca Raton

Am I a good candidate for submental liposuction?

If you are bothered by excess fat on your neck and jawline, then submental liposuction may be the right choice. The ideal candidate has good skin elasticity. Once the fat is removed, it needs to be able to retract to the newly shaped contours of your neckline.

If you have fat as well as loose skin, then Dr. Horn may suggest other procedures that are designed to address both concerns, such as a combination submental liposuction and neck lift. As with all cosmetic procedures, it is important to be in good overall health and have realistic expectations. We strive to provide you with the best submental liposuction Boca Raton has to offer, so call or visit us today.

How do I prepare for submental liposuction?

You will be asked about any prescriptions or drugs you are taking, including over-the-counter medications, supplements, and vitamins.

Some medications, including homeopathic remedies, must be stopped beforehand. If you are a smoker, you will need to avoid nicotine at least two weeks before your procedure. Studies show that nicotine impedes healing. Finally, liposuction may involve full or partial sedation. You should arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home.

Since bruising and swelling may occur, it is best to book your appointment at least two weeks before special events or vacations. During your consultation with Dr. Horn, he will go over recovery steps and timelines with you so that you can feel comfortable that you will be sufficiently healed before resuming normal activities.

Wave Swoosh

What should I expect during my submental liposuction procedure?

Liposuction of small areas, such as the neck and chin, can be done under conscious sedation in an office-based setting. Local anesthesia will ensure there is no pain during your treatment. Dr. Horn will make a tiny incision that is hidden under your chin. Occasionally, an incision near the earlobes is necessary. The incisions will be just large enough to fit a very thin, hollow tube known as a cannula. Machine-assisted suction removes your excess chin and neck fat through the cannula. The ubmental liposuction usually takes around 30 minutes.

What should I know about submental liposuction recovery?

You can resume most daily activities shortly after treatment. If submental liposuction is performed as a standalone procedure, you can often return to work the next day. Some patients prefer to schedule just before the weekend so they have a few extra days to recover.

A full recovery from submental liposuction will take approximately five to 7 days. During this time, minor swelling and bruising may be present. Post-operative discomfort is generally mild. You should avoid physical exertion for approximately three weeks. If you had submental liposuction in conjunction with another procedure, it may prolong your recovery.

Wave Swoosh

What risks are there for submental liposuction?

There are few risks when performing liposuction under conscious sedation. Small areas, such as the chin and neck, are easily treated. While it is a relatively minor procedure, certain risks and side effects are possible. Numbness, poor scarring, and bleeding are just some of those risks. In general, mature scars are difficult to see and will be discreetly hidden under your chin.

What if I have excess skin and fat?

Submental liposuction can be performed as a standalone procedure if your only concern is excess fat on the neck and jawline. However, it is often performed at the same time as other cosmetic procedures that address skin laxity. For example, liposuction is standard during a facelift and neck lift, which aim to remove excess skin and fat while tightening lax muscles. It is important to note that liposuction only addresses fat; It does not tighten skin. If you have excessive loose skin as well as fat, a combined procedure may be necessary.

Chin Liposuction Boca Raton

Book your submental liposuction consultation at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

If you want to say goodbye to your double chin and look more youthful, submental liposuction is your best ally. Book your private consultation for submental liposuction in Boca Raton at the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa by calling (312) 202-9000 or by using the booking link on this page.