Benefits and advantages of tear trough filler injections

Tear filler injections can be perfect for patients who do not want to undergo extensive and invasive surgery. Fillers can help blend the junction between your eyes and cheeks, giving you a smoother and less tired look.

What is in tear trough filler injections?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the product most often used. HA is a derivative of a substance produced naturally by your body. Hyaluronic acid is essential for skin hydration and boosts your body’s collagen production, which provides volume, fullness, and youthful smoothness to your face.

Boca Raton Tear Trough Fillers Surgery Feature Image

Are you a candidate for tear trough filler injection treatments?

For patients in Boca Raton tear trough fillers should be considered if you:

  • Have mild to moderate sagging under your eyes
  • Have healthy, thick skin
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Are generally healthy

You may not be a good candidate if your skin is very thin or your tear troughs are particularly deep. Tear trough injections cannot be given to a patient who has an active facial skin infection.

Are tear trough injections safe?

Tear trough injections are regarded as a safe procedure when administered by a highly trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon. In addition, the treatment is much less invasive than other interventions.

Risks and possible complications

All procedures carry risks, including infection, bleeding, allergic reactions, and complications from anesthesia.

Additionally, some patients have experienced:

  • Headaches
  • Skin discoloration
  • Swelling around the eyes

Some complications can occur for up to two weeks following your surgery. If you have concerns, discuss them fully and openly with your doctor.

Wave Swoosh


Costs will depend on how many syringes of filler you need. Discuss fully with your doctor prior to your treatment. Since tear trough injections are a cosmetic treatment, your insurance will not pay for it.

Selecting the right doctor for your tear trough filler injection therapy

Partnering with the right physician is the most important decision you will make in maximizing the safety and success of your tear trough injections.

These injections should be administered only by trained, skilled, experienced, and attentive medical professionals, such as those who make up our team at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Boca Raton, FL. During your initial consultation, ask the doctor questions including:

  • Were you trained specifically in dermal fillers?
  • How long have you been performing this procedure?
  • How and where did you train?
  • Will you show me “before and after” pictures of previous patients?
  • How will you determine whether tear trough fillers are right for me?

Preparing for your tear trough filler injection

Before scheduling your treatment, your doctor will assess your lower eyelids, including the texture and thickness of your skin. If your doctor is satisfied with the results of that examination, they will help you decide what type of dermal filler is best for you and your goals.

Your tear trough filler injection procedure

Your treatment will take place in a medical office. First, a medical professional will disinfect your skin. Next, your doctor will likely apply a local topical anesthetic to numb your treatment areas and help reduce bruising.

Your specially prepared syringe will be filled with your prescribed filler. The syringe is connected to a precise needle for injection into the skin beneath your lower eyelid. As your filler is injected, your doctor will slowly withdraw the needle and then lightly massage your treatment area to spread the filler.

Your recovery

You can go home after your procedure. You will have some swelling, bruising, and redness that should go away in 48 to 72 hours. Apply ice regularly and avoid intense activity for two days. Don’ sleep face down until your swelling has completely resolved.


The area under your eyelids will look fuller immediately. But it will take up to two weeks to see your full results. You will need to repeat treatment every one to two years to maintain results.

You want to look your best and feel your most confident. At Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Boca Raton, FL, we are ready to help you. Schedule a consultation with our Boca Raton plastic surgery team and let’s talk!