Are you a good candidate for facelift and neck lift?

You should be in good overall health. Non-smokers are preferred candidates. If you smoke, your doctor will at the very least instruct you to stop for several weeks before and after your procedure. Since facelift and neck lift both involve some “stretching,” patients should have some remaining skin elasticity.

Boca Raton Facelift and Neck Lift for Men Feature Photo

Risks associated with facelift and neck lift

All surgeries come with risks, including infection, excessive bleeding, poor wound healing, complications from anesthesia, and allergic reaction to medications and materials. Facelift surgery poses specific risks of hair loss at incision sites as well as facial scarring and nerve injury. Both facelift and neck lift patients will experience some post-surgical swelling and bruising, especially for the first few days after the procedure.

Selecting the right surgeon

Training and experience matter. A successful facelift or neck lift requires a surgeon who combines elite technical skill with an eye for human aesthetics. Insist on a board-certified plastic surgeon who possesses good “human” and listening skills. Your surgeon should offer to show you “before and after” pictures of previous patients.

Wave Swoosh

Facelift & Neck Lift Costs

Costs will vary according to the type and extent of your surgery. Since facelift and neck lift are cosmetic procedures, your insurance will not pay for them.

Preparing for your facelift and/or neck lift

Before scheduling your procedure, your surgeon will carefully review your medical history, including all previous surgeries and chronic conditions. You will need to disclose all supplements and medications you are taking and will be directed to suspend the use of any substance (like aspirin) that can promote bleeding.

What to expect

A facelift and neck lift can be performed in a hospital or an outpatient surgical facility. Typically, you’ll be able to go home later the same day of your surgery, but make sure you have arranged for a driver.


A facelift, known medically as rhytidectomy, can lift, smooth, and tighten facial tissues. It can also often reduce sagging on your jawline. In surgery, facial fat may be sculpted, removed, or redistributed. Your skin is then re-draped over your newly constructed facial contours to achieve your desired results.

The location of your incisions will depend on the surgical technique selected and the patient’s preferences. Some facelifts utilize a short incision that starts in your hairline just above your ears but does not extend all the way to the lower scalp. More traditionally, the incision is made in the hairline at your temples and continues down and around the front of your ears. An additional incision under your chin may be desired to further improve and “tighten” your appearance. Facelift surgery generally takes between two and four hours.

Neck lift

Neck lift surgery removes excess skin and fat around your jawline that often results in a “saggy” neck. A neck lift can help you get rid of a double chin or “turkey wattle neck,” restoring a tighter, smoother, and more youthful appearance. You can often say goodbye to troublesome jowls, too!

Surgical incisions are made carefully and discreetly. Using surgical instruments often combined with liposuction, your doctor will remove excess fat and skin from your neck, while also tightening and restructuring underlying muscles and tissues.


You may experience mild to moderate post-surgical pain. Your doctor will prescribe medication as appropriate.Some swelling and bruising are to be expected. You’ll need help at home for at least a couple of days. Strictly follow your instructions for wound care. Generally, you’ll be able to return to a sedentary job in a week but avoid strenuous activity for up to a month.


A facelift should produce a more youthful appearance. While results can be long-lasting, they are not permanent. Taking care of your skin and living a healthy lifestyle will help you maximize and prolong the benefits of your surgery.

Schedule your Boca Raton Facelift and Neck Lift consultation today

Facelift and neck lifts require the advanced technical and cosmetic skills of a highly trained, experienced, and board-certified Boca Raton plastic surgeon, such as our team at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. Schedule your consultation today to learn how these procedures can improve your look and your life.