What are the benefits of Kybella?

Kybella is minimally invasive, and poses far fewer risks than surgery. It requires little downtime, and is less expensive than surgical procedures. In a clinical trial, 82.4 percent of Kybella patients reported satisfaction with the treatment and said their appearance had “significantly improved.”

Each individual Kybella treatment takes only about 15 minutes, but you will need multiple sessions as determined by your doctor to achieve your desired results.

Boca Raton Kybella Feature Image

What body areas can be treated with Kybella?

Kybella is considered the “gold standard” in nonsurgical treatment to eliminate a double chin. But it also has proved very effective in reducing fat cells in a number of other body areas, including your:

  • Abdomen (particularly your lower abdomen)
  • Back (especially women’s “bra bulge”)
  • Armpits
  • Inner knees
  • Elbows

Are you a candidate for Kybella?

You must be at least 18 years of age and in good general health. If you are considering Kybella to treat fat underneath your chin, you might not be a good candidate if you have had or are planning to have facial surgery. Tell your doctor if you have trouble swallowing, are pregnant or nursing, or have an infection on or near the planned injection site.

Selecting the right doctor

Kybella injections are safe and effective when administered by a skilled, highly trained, experienced injector, such as those on our team at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. During your consultation for Kybella Boca Raton injection specialists at our clinic take the time to make sure we answer all your questions, so you can feel confident you’re making the right choices for your treatment.

Wave Swoosh


Your Kybella costs will vary, depending on the number of treatments you receive. Since Kybella is considered a cosmetic procedure, your insurance will not pay for it.

Risks and side effects

Common temporary side effects include some soreness, bruising, and numbness at your injection sites, all of which typically subside in a week or two.

Rarely, more severe complications have been reported, including:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Skin ulceration
  • Temporary nerve injury
  • Temporary or permanent loss of beard hair
  • Infection

Preparing for your Kybella injection treatment

Kybella requires little preparation. Schedule your procedure well before any major events.

Washing your face properly before your appointment can help reduce the risk of infection. For two weeks before your treatment, you should suspend the use of any supplements or medications such as aspirin that can elevate bleeding.

Your Kybella procedure

Your injections will be given in your doctor’s office. The procedure usually takes about 20 minutes. After marking your injection sites with a pen, your doctor will apply a numbing agent to your skin.

In one sitting, your doctor may give you up to 50 injections, usually about one centimeter apart. The deoxycholic acid in Kybella works gradually to kill fat cells, which are then metabolized by your body over the next several weeks.

Your recovery

You can usually go back to your regular activity level right after your procedure. Your doctor may recommend compression garments to control and reduce swelling.


You will likely need multiple injection sessions to optimize results. You can receive up to six Kybella treatments, with a one-month interval between each session.

Most people start to notice results after their second session. Since Kybella works by completely removing fat cells, your final results are usually permanent, as long as your weight remains stable.

Schedule your consultation for Kybella in Boca Raton today!

For many, it is difficult to get rid of excess fat deposits exclusively through diet and exercise. Invasive fat-reduction surgeries carry risks and may require lengthy downtime. Kybella may be the right option for you. Schedule a consultation today at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Boca Raton where skill meets passion.