What is chin augmentation?

Chin augmentation usually refers to a chin implant. A chin implant is a manmade device composed of flexible, medical-grade silicone. It is placed to improve your chin contours for a more aesthetically pleasing profile and improved facial harmony. The right chin implant can make your face appear more balanced and proportional as a whole. The implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Dr. Horn will help you select the ideal implant to provide you with the best cosmetic results.

Chin Augmentation Boca Raton

Am I a good candidate for chin augmentation?

Chin augmentation is suitable for patients who wish to correct a chin that is too small, flat, shapeless, or appears in disharmony with the rest of the face.

A chin implant can only add volume, it cannot take it away. In other words, it won’t make a large chin smaller. If you have a protruding chin, it may be necessary to shave down some of the bone rather than placing an implant.

The ideal candidate for surgery is a nonsmoker or someone willing to quit, since nicotine interferes with the healing process. It is important to be in good physical health, as well as mental health. Realistic expectations are a must before pursuing any cosmetic procedure. Dr. Horn strives to provide you with the best chin augmentation Boca Raton has to offer, and will only suggest chin augmentation if it truly appears to be in your best interest from a cosmetic standpoint.

How should I prepare for chin augmentation

You may be asked to modify or halt certain medications you are taking, including prescription drugs, supplements, and vitamins. Please arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home after surgery.

Wave Swoosh

What should I expect during a chin augmentation procedure?

While you are safely sedated, Dr. Horn will make a small incision beneath your chin. Through the incision, he will insert your chin implant and manipulate it into the proper position. Finally, he will close the incision and apply sterile bandages to protect the wound as it heals.

What should I know about my chin augmentation recovery?

After your surgery, you will awake in the recovery room and go home the same day. Mild pain, swelling, and bruising may occur on and around your chin. Due to the natural curves and shadows along your jawline, these temporary side effects usually aren’t very obvious. Your incision will remain red and may feel bumpy or raised for several weeks.

Since the incision is hidden beneath your chin, others are unlikely to notice it during normal conversation. Over time, the scar will flatten and fade. It takes about a year for scars to mature. Bandages and external stitches will be removed in approximately one week. Stitch removal is not necessary for dissolving stitches.

Wave Swoosh

When will I see my chin augmentation results?

A chin augmentation immediately improves the contours of your chin. However, it takes approximately three to six months to appreciate the full results. During this time, the swelling will go down and you will see your final chin take shape. A chin implant usually does not need to be replaced. It is considered a lifetime device. You can enjoy a more pleasing chin and improved facial harmony for decades to come.

Book your chin augmentation consultation at Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

It is remarkable what a small change can do to make your face appear younger and more harmonious. To find out if a Boca Raton chin augmentation is the right choice for you, call our team at the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa to book a private consultation. You can reach us by using the booking link on this page, or calling our reception team at (312) 202-9000.

Chin Augmentation FAQs

Chin implants are made of silicone or Gore-Tex. The material is biocompatible, which means it won’t harm your surrounding living tissue. For people who are in good physical health, chin augmentation is considered a safe, low-risk procedure. As with all forms of surgery, some risks may occur, such as numbness, bleeding, infection, or wound breakdown, for example. Most risks and side effects are minor, although serious risks, such as blood clots, are possible.

Yes. Besides chin implants, it is possible to improve chin contours in other ways. At the Michael Horn Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, we offer two additional procedures you might also consider. The first is dermal fillers, which involves injecting a solution into your chin to improve your chin shape for up to one year. Unlike a chin implant, the results aren’t permanent. Another “permanent” option is facial fat transfer, which involves injecting your body fat into areas of your face where you want to increase volume. To discuss your options, contact our office to set up a consultation.

All surgery leaves scars. The chin augmentation scar is usually small and unnoticeable. It is not easily seen by others since the scar is discreetly placed under your chin. Typically, the scar will become softer and lighter over time until it blends in with the surrounding skin. Mature scars may appear lighter or smoother than the skin around them. If you have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring, let Dr. Horn know during your consultation.